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A Duality Between Action and Perception


Invisible Practice


IPractice Magazine August 2021

In this month’s issue we will be focusing on three different subjects, on the surface these subjects might not seem related. However, If you take a deeper look you will find that everything in magic and live is conneceted with each other.

First we will join Fritz in his virtual insanity, where he discusses how to bring

your magic to zoom. This is important because it helps you to see how you can reframe your magic for different sitautions.

Next Aljaz will discuss the dreaded and not so popular question of wether we should teach magic to lay-people (NO DON”T THEY ARE OUR SECRETS!). I think it’s an important and intersting idea to even teach magic to non magicians, but more on that in Aljaz’s


Finally Alvaro discusses the importance of good magic books and how to make the bookst aht you already own even better.

IPractice Magazine March 2021

In this Issue Daniel Matias Ferrer talks about his search of an identity within music.

Jackson Mead talks about his inspiration for art (the magazine cover is one of his pieces).

 Finally Jin Lee talks about three lessons that he learned from Rene Lavand’s student.

So come on over and enjoy this months edition of I Practice Magazine.

IPractice Magazine Argentina

In this ultra big issue we discover the wonderful magic of Argentina.

This issue is packet with theory, history, effects and context for beautiful and powerful magic.

With a foreword by Michael Vincent and an excerpt of Roberto Mansilla’s new book, we are proud to present to you the Argentina issue.

IPractice Magazine May 2021

This months issue is all about art and symbolism.
Gareth Talks about the art of medicine.
Alvaro analyses different aspects of meaning and Rico discusses the importance of symbolism in magic.

IPractice Magazine April 2021

In this month’s issue, Chris wood tells us how we can add another layer of deception to your magic. David globe talks about making our magic more interesting using sounds and Alvaro takes us on a journey to discover the cross-overs between fiction and magic.

IPractice Magazine Februari 2021

The Februari edition of the I Practice Magazine is here!

Michael Vincent talks about the books that made him the performer he is today.

Rico Weeland Talks about things to consider when dressing for gigs.

Hussein Mansour talks about the development of entertainment and what we can learn from this for magic.

We hope that you enjoy this months issue of I Practice Magazine.

IPractice Magazine Januari 2021

We are happy to announce the second edition of I Practice Magazine.

In this Edition Michael Vincent talks about refining routines, Chris Wood talks about magic theory, Liz Wolter talks about the creation of new ideas and concepts and more…

IPractice Magazine December 2020

We are glad to announce our first edition of  I Practice Magazine.

In this volume Fritz Alkemade talks about improving your improv, Michael Vincent talks about morning rituals, Rico Weeland shares his favorite books, and much more…

Free Ebooks

At Invisible Practice we offer a new way of thinking about magic.

The magic community is constantly moving to the next effect, this however, never teaches you how to think about magic and what good magic really is.

In these free Ebooks we will be analysing different routines and we will be discussing different subjects to elevate your magic.

Why Patreon?

At Invisible Practice, we offer free reading material, food for thought, and philosophy.
We want to continue doing this to build a stronger community and school of magical thought.

The Patreon allows you to become part of the Invisible Practice family for as little as €1,00 a month.
this supports us, and in return will get you behind-the-scenes content, special essays, monthly jams, and a weekly podcast offering food for thought.

Our Philosophy

We believe that magic goes deeper than just the superfical “surprise” type of reaction.

We also don’t think that magic is only something that you buy, like the modern magic market makes you believe. We believe that magic is everywhere and in everything and so we use this site to discuss the different aspects of magic and to discover together with the readers where the real magic lays.